We had our first trip to the Capitol of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! We were soooo excited to be there! I don’t know how many times Joe and I looked at each other and said, “Dude!! We are in WASHINGTON, D.C.!!” :o)
It took us an hour to get to the subway station from the ranch – THANK YOU Jim and Ginny for letting us use your vehicle to get there!! Riding the subway was really cool and a little bit freaky. It was my first time and reminded me of the trams at Disney, except these were more wobbly and when they took off it sounded and felt like an airplane taking off.
The subway also reminded me of a roller coaster because of the sound and the jerkiness of it. I did get nervous when we were up above the streets and trees because it felt so unstable – which I know is not true. Going underground was like being in a sci-fi movie because of the way the lights of the tunnel zoomed by. Oh….and all kinds of different movie plots kept going through my head as we were riding, from terrorists to thugs. You wouldn’t know it by my face though – I looked calm and happy. :o)

I had two missions for my visit to Washington D.C. – see the White House and see if I could find the flute Native American astronaut John Herrington took into space with him. I thankfully accomplished both.
Joe, Jadyn and I at the White House.
I wanted to find the flute because I had the matching one. I even thought about bringing it with me, but I didn’t want security taking it away from me and locking me up thinking that I stole it. :o)
Here’s the picture of John and I playing our flutes together.
We got off the subway and went to the Castle. I LOVED the architecture of it! Inside I was surprised and happy to see part of the Space Shuttle Columbia on display and Joe was excited to see a part of the Hindenburg. And I thought it was neat how they displayed a flock of ducks in flight.

We went to the Smithsonian Castle, Air and Space Museum, American Indian Museum, Natural History Museum, National Archives, and Hirshhorn Museum (got yelled at for trying to take a picture of a naked blue man sculpture). The best part of the National Archives was seeing THE Declaration of Independence and Constitution. It was totally surreal to be there. And I thought of the movie National Treasure. I’ll have to watch that one again. And we saw the National Monument and Capitol (Jadyn says she wants to be a politician so she can work in the Capitol). Here some pictures of theses places.
I also loved all the different flowers and plants around the Mall area.
The different sculptures on the buildings fascinated me. I am curious to know what they represent. Some good movie and book plots could involve these statues and carvings (or maybe they already do?).
My legs and feet were sooooo tired by the time we got down to the Lincoln Memorial that I decided I couldn’t walk the length of the reflection pond and still be able to make it back to the subway. As we were leaving the war memorial and heading back towards the National Monument I was groaning and grunting every few steps - maybe as a way to encourage myself to keep going on some basic kind of cavewoman level. I didn’t even dare sit down for fear I wouldn’t be able to get back up! Despite all that I am pretty proud of myself for walking all the way around the mall and seeing as many museums as we did. I am sure thankful I had a stroller to push Jadyn in too! And I really, really enjoyed sleeping in my bed after we got home – that felt like heaven. ;o)