Janis Joplin sang "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose."
Even though life has thrown us a curve ball with Joe's reduced work hours and then getting laid off, we have decided to be positive about it and look at it like this: we now have the opportunity to wake up to a different backyard every day. An exciting and beautiful adventure awaits us! The freedom of being able to experience the pleasure and beauty of God's creation each and every day like a butterfly that flits from flower to flower.
This is something we have been wanting to do for a long time - travel the US. And let's face it, if Joe were still making good money we would be content to stay where we are and just dream about adventure.
So, we are taking this traveling opportunity to demonstrate God's love through volunteering and serving others and whatever other practical ways that present themselves. Yes, we will still be working, but we will also be pursuing bringing bartering back to life - I'll clean your house for a few chickens and eggs or something like that. :o)
We are very excited to see new places, meet new friends, and see what's it's like to, in a sense, "live off the grid".