I felt like superman on the hot tin roof because that is my kryptonite – heights. Every since my sisters tried to throw me out a second story window when I was kid I haven’t cared much about heights. So when the green girls said we were gonna roof the barn my heart started racing. Lucky for me Tonya had no fear of heights which is apparent in the photo below.
We tore off the old tin roof and found that the rafters needed replacing. After we got our materials, I donned a safety harness and we got to work.
Tonya was like a cat moving around the bare rafters, while I supported from anywhere I could hook my harness to. Finally the roof was ready for tin and Gina and Tonya went to work and quickly screwed the roof on.
We were excited to get it done because the greenhouse rafters were to be delivered Monday. Sadly they arrived yet again damaged and sent back to Farmtek. However this will give us time to work on their micro aquaponics system. Until next time, peace!