Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Getting Ready and Saying Goodbye

Last night Joe was busy repairing the tent we will be using for camping. We got it at a garage sale for $5 and have had to put about $20 into it, including tarps. I guess that's a good deal. We already have a lantern, a Coleman stove, and we'll use our cast iron pans to cook in. We also got a 5-gallon jug for water that we will fill up at the spring in Eden Prairie, although it might be better to have two of those.
I have to say I am very blessed to have Joe as my husband because he sews (that's what he's doing in the picture) and he cooks, among all the many other things he does. One the way home today he grabbed my hand and said, "Momma, I think we are going to fall in love all over again on this journey." I agree - it's already starting.  :o)

We stopped by our favorite farm today, Peter's Pumpkin & Carmen's Corn,  to say goodbye. Peter wasn't there, but Carmen was and she took us around and showed us what's new this year and we saw all the baby plants poking their heads out of the ground. She said she was thinking of us as she was planting her swiss chard this year - I swear we almost bought her out of her swiss chard last year! I was almost salivating as we were walking around her farm today thinking of all the wonderful produce that was soon to come.

Here's Jadyn walking around looking for dandelions to blow and something to eat:

Jadyn in a field of dandelions:

Joe and Jadyn collecting dandelion flowers and greens to have for dinner tonight:

Here's a picture of beekeepers about to enter Carmen's farm to introduce a new queen to the colony because the old one flew away:

The queen bee in the box:

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna miss Carmen and Peter. Last summer me, Jeanne and Jadyn would sit on the porch of their fruit stand and eat raw sweet corn. Jadyn would eat at least four ears of corn herself. Carmen has the best corn around!
    Hasta luego,
