Monday, May 3, 2010

Our Bus

Well, we are getting ready to leave this Wednesday and plan to be in Florida by Friday. We put a deposit on our bus and expect to pick it up this Monday (trading our car for it). This is a picture of it:

It's a cute little bus (1975 Ford Superior) and still has all the seats in it. Monday, Joe will take a grinder to the seats to remove most of them. I wanted a bus already converted, but I'm actually glad we get the chance to do it ourselves. That'll add to our list of accomplishments.

Tomorrow we finalize what we can take and what we have to leave. We drove up north a little ways to pick up a car topper yesterday. It's been so hard to find one that we decided we'll drive a bit of a distance to acquire one. I'm happy with our purchase so far, but I'll have to see how well it performs on the road - it's a Cabela.

It's weird but I feel a little "detached" right now. I'm not really excited and not really sad...actually I might be feeling a little overwhelmed. I know I'll straighten out once we get on the road. Oh yea - Joe said he was proud of me. I went from being a pack rat when he married me to being able to fit everything we own into our car - Now I wish we had a station wagon...or a van......or a ...bus.  :o)


  1. I love reading your posts! I can't wait to get them! Can I ask personal questions now?
    How will you support yourselves? And how long are you planning on traveling? I want to hit the road too! I'm just trying to figure out how.

  2. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We have only been able to get free wifi in limited amounts and there's so much to do on the internet in a short time. Anyway, a great resource that I found to find jobs is through workamper news. They are set up specifically for people who live on the road. I'm sure there are other resources out there, but I haven't explored them yet. Let me know when you finally hit the road - I'd like to follow your blog. :o)
